20+ employees
25.000+ different SKU
3 branches
150 m2 sales area
2.000 m2 central warehouse
3.5 mln Euro turnover
senson truck

The company Senson Truck was founded in 2007. Today it is one of the leading suppliers of the spare parts for trucks, trailers and busses in Latvia. During the past year the company’s turnover has increased by more than 20%. This year the main focus will be on developing the business of spare parts for agricultural machinery and the implementation of the IT solutions to optimize the logistics. Further steps were being taken to establish in Latvia the Nexus Truck based service-concept.
200+ employees
40.000+ different SKU
3 garages
20 retail shops
3.750 m2 sales area (shops)
5.000 m2 central warehouse
17 mln Euro turnover

One of the biggest Lithuanian companies in truck spare parts trade business from 1992. Retail, wholesale and export trade directions.
Owner of private label "Roadwin" with wide range of popular spare parts for European trucks and trailers.
Represents well-known companies like GS Yuasa, Wolf Oil, Baldwin Filters, Parker Racor, Schaeffler and etc.
Member of "Nexus Automotive International" and "Lithuanian Automotive Export Association (LAuGEA)". Administrator of NexusTruck sales and garages net in Lithuania.
100+ employees
55.000+ different SKU
3 garages
3 branches
350 m2 sales area
3.000 m2 central warehouse
15 mln Euro turnover
senson auto

The company Senson Auto was established in 1994 and is today one of the largest wholesale traders in Latvia, distributing spare parts for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to retailers and auto repair shops. As a result of continuous growth and development, the company has extended its product portfolio with automotive tires, body parts, genuine spare parts, motor oils and lubricants. At present major investments are aimed at the development of e-commerce and the establishment of the Nexus Auto based service-concept.
6 employees
19 mln Euro turnover

UAB "GOLSTA" registered 2007 03 22 and is performing as a wholesaler/trader for auto parts and performs in passenger car segment.

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